How to Clear Cloudy Pool Water?

Swimming pools are a great source of fun and relaxation, but cloudy pool water can quickly put a damper on your plans. If you’re struggling with cloudy water in your pool, don’t worry – there are several reason why it can happen, and just as many ways to clear it up. In this article, we’ll explore the causes of cloudy pool water and provide practical tips and solutions for restoring your pool’s clarity.

Reasons For Cloudy Pool Water?

Improper pH and Chlorine Levels

When the pH and chlorine levels in a swimming pool are not properly balanced, it can lead to cloudy water. Low chlorine levels can allow algae and bacteria to grow, while high pH levels can cause calcium deposits to form, both of which can contribute to cloudiness.

High Total Alkalinity

High total alkalinity in pool water can cause the pH level to rise, which in turn can lead to cloudy water. Additionally, high alkalinity can make it difficult to adjust the pH and chlorine levels properly, making it more challenging to clear up the cloudiness.

High Calcium Hardness

High levels of calcium hardness in pool water can also contribute to cloudy water. When the calcium level is too high, it can cause the water to become cloudy and can lead to the formation of scale on pool surfaces and equipment.

Other Chemical Imbalances

There are several other chemical imbalances that can contribute to cloudy pool water, including high levels of total dissolved solids (TDS), high levels of cyanuric acid, and high levels of metals such as iron or copper. These imbalances can cause the water to become discolored, cloudy, or even murky.

7 Ways to Clear Cloudy Pool Water

Clear pool water

Balance Free Chlorine (FC) Levels

To clear up cloudy pool water, it’s important to maintain the proper free chlorine (FC) levels in the pool. Shocking the pool with a high dose of chlorine can help kill off any bacteria or algae that may be contributing to the cloudiness. It’s important to test the water frequently and add chlorine as needed to maintain the proper FC levels.

Eliminate Ammonia

Ammonia in pool water can contribute to cloudy water and can make it difficult to maintain proper chlorine levels. To eliminate ammonia, a product containing ammonium sulfate can be added to the pool. This will convert the ammonia to a form that can be easily removed through filtration.

Get Rid of Young Algae

Young algae growth in the pool can cause the water to become cloudy. To get rid of young algae, a pool clarifier or algaecide can be added to the water. This will help kill off the algae and make it easier to remove it through filtration.

Monitor and Balance pH and TA Levels

Monitoring and balancing the pH and total alkalinity (TA) levels in the pool is crucial to prevent cloudy water. If the pH or TA levels are too high, it can cause the water to become cloudy or hazy. To balance these levels, pH decreaser or alkalinity increaser products can be added to the water as needed.

Correct Calcium Hardness (CH) Levels

Correcting the calcium hardness (CH) levels in the pool can help prevent cloudy water. To correct CH levels, calcium hardness increaser or decreaser products can be added to the water as needed. It’s important to test the water frequently and adjust the CH levels as necessary to maintain a proper balance.

Backwash Filter or Replace Filtering Agent

Backwashing the pool filter or replacing the filtering agent can help clear up cloudy water caused by excess dirt or debris in the filter. Backwashing involves reversing the flow of water through the filter to flush out any accumulated dirt or debris. If backwashing doesn’t solve the problem, the filtering agent may need to be replaced.

Remove Contaminants

Removing contaminants from the pool can help clear up cloudy water. This includes using a skimmer to remove debris and leaves from the surface of the water, vacuuming the pool to remove dirt and debris from the bottom, and using a pool clarifier to help trap small particles and make them easier to remove through filtration.


How long does it take for a cloudy pool to clear?

The time it takes for a cloudy pool to clear up depends on the cause and severity of the cloudiness.

Why is my pool cloudy after shocking?

Pool water may become cloudy after shocking due to the sudden increase in chemicals, which can cause particles to become suspended in the water.

Will rainwater make my pool cloudy?

Rainwater can introduce contaminants into the pool that can contribute to cloudiness, but it usually won’t cause cloudiness on its own.

Will baking soda clear up a cloudy pool?

Baking soda can help raise the total alkalinity (TA) level in the pool, which can help prevent cloudiness, but it may not clear up existing cloudiness.

Should you swim in cloudy pool water?

It’s generally not recommended to swim in cloudy pool water as it may indicate the presence of harmful contaminants, and it can make it difficult to see and navigate in the water.

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