Ways To maintain The Swimming Pool

A swimming pool in your backyard adds sparkle to your home and enhances property value significantly. But without proper care, it loses its charm and negatively affects your property value. Homeowners face challenges when it comes to maintaining the swimming pool themselves. With some simple techniques, pool maintenance is a piece of cake.

Without further ado, let’s have a look at five ways to maintain the swimming pool!

Know Your Pool and the Steps

Understand your pool type first. Thorough knowledge helps you maintain your pool better. An average pool takes about 30 minutes in vacuuming plus another 40 minutes of cleaning and scrubbing if you do it yourself. Experts may do it quicker with the help of proper types of equipment and tools. With time and practice, you would also be able to do it in much less time but still hard to match the skillfulness of professionals.

Check the Water Level and Cleanliness

Keep eyes on the water level; it should neither be too high nor too low. It has to be right at the center of your pool skimmer for a significantly better pool experience. Regularly checking the pool’s water maintains cleanliness and makes it skin-friendly too. If you are not sure about how often you should clean the pool yourself, then you must hire local pool professionals.

Add Chemicals:

Balancing the ratio of chemicals keeps your pool water healthy & clean. Here are some standard chemicals used in pools.

Chlorine – To disinfect and sanitize the water properly.

Cyanuric Acid – To protect the chlorine in the water from UV (ultraviolet rays).

Calcium Hardness – It is the amount of calcium present in the pool water. If the calcium levels are too low, the pool water can become harsh, which in turn causes damage to the pool. If calcium levels are high, it can slow down your filter system. Higher pH makes more substances to come out of solution and choke the filters.

Added chemicals and minerals – Such as inorganic salts (includes calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, bicarbonates, chlorides and sulfates)

Check your pool water’s pH and alkalinity levels.

Clean Pool Filters

The filter system continuously clears specks of dirt, debris, and other contaminants from the pool. Hence cleaning filters regularly is important to ensure the health and hygiene of your pool. While doing this, it is advisable to wear gloves and eye protection.

Pool Renovation

Like other pool maintenance procedures, renovation is also essential. Renewal, with up-to-date maintenance, keeps your pool long-lasting. Pool renovation would require a professional contractor who would use their expertise and knowledge to give your old pool a contemporary look. Chemicals and harsh conditions cause damages to the pool structure and make the quality of pool water worse. In this case, DIY is not possible, and professional help is often needed.

No matter which pool you have in your backyard, regular care would add to its longevity, hygiene, and beauty. Pool owners should take the maintenance seriously and shouldn’t shy away from hiring a professional for pool maintenance. Contact us today for pool renovation and maintenance in Monmouth county.

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